
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Review: Donki Twinkle Lash D-6 Sexy

Twinkle Lash (or formerly known as Candy Style) are lashes that are created by and sold at Don Quijote (Donki) stores all across Japan. These lashes caused a craze amongst gyaru bloggers and even magazine models including Okarie and Kanako Kawabata, who have both blogged about them!

Recently Donki decided to open up an online store called HelloHello Nation, just for circle lenses and lashes that are sold exclusively at their stores. These lashes are now sold in packs of 5 pairs for 780yen, which is very economical. I have purchased most of the styles so I can review them for all of you!

First I'll start off with my favorite of the bunch, D-6 Sexy.
 The packaging that it comes in.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Tried out drag makeup, ended up like a "gyaru chola"

I've had a busy past couple of weeks with some major assignments due, so I'm sorry for being missing for a bit! In my downtime you can find me watching RuPaul's Drag Race, which if you aren't already watching... do it now! Honestly, not only is the show amazing but I also love to use it for makeup inspiration. So much so, that when I got home from work today I decided to "try" drag makeup for the first time!

It doesn't look bad, but not very drag :(

Friday, March 2, 2012

Leap Day at Disneyland + OC Restaurant Week at TAPS

I have been super busy this last week! While it was my spring break I was needed at OBEY full time because we've been doing a bunch of photoshoots. Although it was a lot of work I did really enjoy myself this week, I got to do the makeup for the female model on Thursday and I styled a bunch of tees today for the male model :D I'm really proud of what I accomplished this week, and hope to keep progressing!

Anyways, besides from work this week I got to do two fun things! Tony and I met up with a bunch of friends at Disneyland on Leap Day (29th) for their special "One More Day" event where they were open for 24 hours. Saying it was crazy busy is an understatement!