
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A quick update and check in!

As you guys will see in the next few days I'm just going to make small updates around the blog layout here and there. I have a really huge project due on Friday, so I'm going to be working mostly on that throughout the week.

I've been getting a big influx of followers in the last few days, probably because I was featured in Hana of Finding Tokyo's weekly wrap up? Many thanks to her for featuring me, and all the new followers I've gained from it!

I purchased two different brands of BB cream online (Korea's Missha and Japan's Nanoce), because a few people have had concerns about my skin. Thanks to those who did have concerns, and I hope that changing to BB cream will be beneficially for me! It did come at a good time too, I'm almost out of both of my foundations! I'll try to do reviews once they both arrive (for the Nanoce I have to pick it up in store since it's in Southern California) :]

Also just another little blurb about how I will do giveaways at 50, 75 and 100 followers! Remember how I said the prizes will start getting bigger? They are looking pretty nice so feel free to follow me and join in on the giveaways :D


  1. can't wait for them giveaways and can't wait for more posts! please please let me know how the BB creams turn out for you! :) I'm almost running out of mine! And I'd like to know what else is good.

    follow me too if you'd like~ :) i'd love to hear from you!

  2. Hope the BB cream works for you! I also have very bad skin..if the cream doesn't work, I suggest using mineral make up..real mineral make up, not Maybelline or whatever :) it CAN be very helpful. At least it doesn't cause skin problems and usually it's not really powdery but feels like a very nice light foundation!
