
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Long time no post! AX ParaPara Panel recap☆

Sorry for the lack of posts, I wanted to entertain Jim (who did the male circle lens review below) while he was here so I didn't want to spend too much time blogging!

A couple of notes:
- My summer giveaway ended on 6/30 with the winner being Wen, so congrats to her! The next giveaway will be coming up around October/November. :) I have one of the prizes already and it is different than the usual prizes~

- I would love to do a FAQ post in the future, so if you want to ask me questions please drop them off at my formspring page. Feel free to send them anonymously if you don't want your name on here. :)

- ParaPara fans, the Disco NRG site will be up and running soon! We are moving hosts and are currently setting it up right now. Keep up to date with us by checking our Twitter and Facebook pages.

- I will be heading to NYC from 7/29-8/4. I go every year so it's no different, mainly to film an upcoming Disco NRG DVD! If anyone wants to meet up I will try to see if I can make time for it. Or if anyone wants to give me some store recommendations please do so as well!

ParaPara Dancing 101 Panel Recap:
For anyone that came to my panel, thank you very much for coming! I know a couple of girls came up to me after the panel saying they knew me from everyday_gyaru and my blog but don't comment... so get to it! lol

I could only find one video from the panel, but if you know anyone who went that has one PLEASE tell them to upload it!! In case you're wondering, the song is "I Won't Fall Apart" by Jager, which you can buy on iTunes.

Some pictures from the panel. Thanks to my bf and Fernando's friend Nick for taking the pictures for us :D
We got a great crowd despite the panel being at the same time as the Miku Hatsune concert, and I appreciate everyone that came! After doing this panel for 5 years can get tiring, but the enthusiasm of the crowd definitely showed me why I am still doing this.

Panel group: Steve, me, Alex (on stage), Tony (<3), Jim and Fernando. We were having a discussion before the panel to figure out how we were going to organize the stuff we planned.
Us on the stage introducing ourselves. NHK Japan came to film our panel and were really surprised we were teaching ParaPara.
Blurry but cool pose of us dancing the song.
Lovely Japanese reporters filming during the panel.
At the end of the panel we joined the audience in a dance circle to dance the song we taught along with Night Of Fire, since they requested it. lol


  1. It really sounds like AX is the place to be! I'm so envious reading all the blog posts on various blogs about AX! I wish I could have gone :( Maybe next year!! "o(>_<)o" WOW NHK was there too?? That's super cool :O Maybe I'll see you on TV sometime :DD

  2. Oh I wish I had people come up and recognize me from my blog haha! The panel looks really big, wow, and everyone's so into it. It seems it turned out so well^^

  3. Oh wow I wish I could join such a panel, too ♥ good job!!

  4. @ katie
    Actually I didn't do much at AX besides my panel, and Friday didn't count since I was up there for a totally unrelated concert! haha It's not that fun plus there are a lot of stinky people there, previous years have been better.

    @ Sara Mari
    The panel was really big, they gave us the biggest room they could! and it's funny, I actually got stopped in the middle of Shibuya one time, just because they knew me from ParaPara videos online. So definitely I think people will have to stop you in the future since your blog is popular!

    @ Mutsumi

  5. AWesome job doing the circle at the end!! You guys did it right!!

  6. >Hi, I'm the girl in the Stitch Kigu that said hi.

    [I finally got my hands on a laptop and finally checked your blog.]

    yeah. Just popping in to throw out my salutations.

